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Half-inch National Grid Maps One-inch National Grid Maps Landranger Maps (pdf) Landranger Map - New Symbol editions (pdf) Landranger Map Cover Designs, 1 (pdf) Landranger Map Cover Designs, 2 (pdf) Landranger Bar Reprints (pdf) 1:25 000 Maps Irish mapping (pdf) Tourist and Touring Maps Town and City Maps Road Maps and Atlases Index Maps 1932 Road Map of Great Britain Historical Maps One-inch Alan Godfrey Edition Guidebooks Other Mapmakers

Ordnance Survey Leisure Maps Summary Lists

Half-inch National Grid Maps of Great Britain

Half-inch coverThe half-inch map was published from 1903. After 1947 a National, or 'Second Series' was planned but only four of 51 sheets were published. The series was abandoned due to competition from private map publishers and the resources needed for other small scale mapping, especially the one-inch series.
PLEASE NOTE I have the occasional enquiry through these pages about whether I buy and sell maps. I'm not a map dealer but here to compile and revise lists of Ordnance Survey small scale maps. If you are looking for a trader, I recommend you start with the Charles Close Society list of map dealers here.
Half-inch Cover cover
Sheet 51 Provisional  Edition Canterbury revised 1956: 4501 1
revised 1956: A (12/56).
revised 1956: A - outline (5/57).
1. Proof copies are recorded.
Sheet 28 Second Series Snowdon revised 1948-9: A (2/61).
Sheet 36 Second Series Birmingham revised 1958: A (12/58); A/ (__/__); A/ - outline (__/__).
Sheet 37 Second Series Leicester revised 1960: A 1
revised 1961: A 2
1. Proof dated 22/7/1962. 2. Proof with Outline Edition heading.
Sheet 39 Second Series Norwich revised 1961: A (9/61).
Sheet 43 Second Series Greater London revised 1962: A (4/62)
revised 1962: A - outline (5/63).
No further sheets were published in this series. 
The Lez Watson Inexperience

The author - Leslie (Lez) V Watson - has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work.
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10.14 :: January 2021
Website v20.4 :: January 2021