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  Ordnance Survey Leisure Maps Summary Lists  

Historical Maps

General Maps
Southern Britain in the Iron Age1:625,0001962.
1:625,000Second Edition, 1967.
1:625,000Third Edition, 1975.
Roman Britain1:1,000,0001924. England and Wales
In print1:1,000,000with extended sheetlinesSecond Edition, 1928. Reprinted 1946
1:1,000,000with extended sheetlinesThird Edition, 1965
1:625,000(Route Planning Map)Third Edition, 1976 (published 1978)
1:625,000(Route Planning Map)Fourth Edition, 1979
1:625,000(Route Planning Map)Fourth Edition (Revised), 1990
1:625,000Fifth Edition, 2001
1:625,000Sixth Edition, 2011. Reprinted 2016
1:625,000'Feb 2016' Edition, 2016
Britain in the Dark Ages1:1,000,000South Sheet, 1935; North Sheet, 1938 (published 1939). Reprinted 1949
Britain in the Dark Ages1:1,000,0001966
1:1,000,000Corrected edition, 1971
1:1,000,000Second Edition, 1974
Britain before the Norman Conquest1:625,000(Route Planning Map)1973
Thematic Maps
Ancient Britain1:625,000with National Grid1951
In print1:625,000with National GridSecond Edition, 1964 (published 1965)
1:625,000(Route Planning Map)Third Edition, 1982
1:625,000(Route Planning Map)Fourth Edition, 1990
1:625,000'B' Edition, 1996
1:625,000'C' Edition, 2005
1:625,000'D' Edition, 2011. Reprinted 2016
1:625,000'Feb 2106' Edition, 2016
Monastic Britain1:633,600with National Yard Grid1939. Unpublished
1:625,000with National Grid1948. Unpubished
1:625,000with National Grid1950. Second Edition 1954-55
1:625,000(Route Planning Map)1976. Third Edition. (published 1978)
Monastic Ireland1:625,0001959
1:625,0001960. Second Edition 1965
Scotland in Roman Times
Roman series Sheet 3
1:253,440with National Yard Grid1940/41. Unpublished
Individual Monuments
Hadrian's Wall1:31,680'A' Edition, 1964
1:31,680'B' Edition, 1975
1:31,680'C' Edition, 1989
The Antonine Wall1:25,0001969
1;3,0002011. Published by the Museum of London but using Ordnance Survey mapping
Roman and Anglian York1:2,5001988
Viking and Medieval York1:2,5001988
Roman and Medieval Bath1:2,5001989
Georgian and Medieval Bath1:2,5001989
Roman and Medieval Canterbury1:2,5001990
The Lez Watson Inexperience

The author - Leslie (Lez) V Watson - has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work.
I use Visual Studio Code & Notepad++ script editors, and Firefox web browser.

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