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Half-inch National Grid Maps One-inch National Grid Maps Landranger Maps (pdf) Landranger Map - New Symbol editions (pdf) Landranger Map Cover Designs, 1 (pdf) Landranger Map Cover Designs, 2 (pdf) Landranger Bar Reprints (pdf) 1:25 000 Maps Irish mapping (pdf) Tourist and Touring Maps Town and City Maps Road Maps and Atlases Index Maps 1932 Road Map of Great Britain Historical Maps One-inch Alan Godfrey Edition Guidebooks Other Mapmakers

Ordnance Survey Road Map of Great Britain 1932

This is the first road map produced by the Ordnance Survey to show Ministry of Transport "A" and "B" road classification. Published in 1932 on the newly adopted Transverse Mercator [yard] projection, it represents the first official road map of the public motoring era.

I have removed the maps from this page as much better copies may be found at

The Lez Watson Inexperience

The author - Leslie (Lez) V Watson - has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work.
I use Visual Studio Code & Notepad++ script editors, and Firefox web browser.

10.14 :: January 2021
Website v20.4 :: January 2021